Ilvess: Runāt krieviski nozīmētu atzīt 50 gadus ilgušo Padomju savienības okupāciju
Publicēts 27. februārī, 2008.
Sarunas fragments no Igaunijas prezidenta sarunas ar BBC žurnālistu.

“Speaking Russian, he said firmly, would mean accepting 50 years of Soviet brutalisation because most Russian-speakers settled in Estonia only after it was occupied by the USSR towards the end of World War II.

And when I pressed him, saying surely it would only mean being able to communicate with a large number of his fellow countrymen in their own language, he replied - as heads of state have every right to do: “This is a real dead end, I don’t want to discuss it.”

Ziņas avots: BBC

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